Thursday 12 July 2012

Sometimes, I Worry...

I swear that since having a baby my brain capacity has halved. Either that or too much of it is taken up with how to look after a baby. I even had to go back and correct halved as I had spelled it with an "f" the first time round. Oh my.

Last night, despite quite lowish temperatures outside, the Wee One has sweated through her sleeping bag. Him and I made an executive decision to take it off and use a blanket instead. The result was a 6 hour stretch and only one night feeding. Also, she slept on her tummy for the first time to our knowledge. We are using the blanket again tonight, hoping for a similar result.

Today was a good day for food. I've taken to carrying plain rice cakes with me and the Wee One snaffles pieces of them like they were sweeties. She also had some French toast, a piece of pork, some red pepper and a fromage frais.

Today also seen two nappies, neither at two o'clock. One was surprisingly mild, but I know now it was clearly to give me a false sense of security. The second one was rank. Vile. But not as much wind as normal, well, not as much noisy wind as usual. The kind of noisy wind that causes physical vibrations through the floor, or, if you are dreadfully unlucky, your leg.

I'm looking forward to tonight, I hope it's a one wake wonder.

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