Sunday 1 July 2012

Degrees of Doubt

Yesterday marked two months since the beginning of Baby Led Weaning. I told Him this last night, and we both agreed it had felt like much, much longer.

We also agreed that this was both a good and a bad thing. I've said it many times now, mealtimes are great, it's fun! But the mess, the wind and of course the nappies have taken more adjusting to. Mess is a daily occurrence that we just deal with. The nappies are just vile.

We tried rice cakes finally today. The Wee One decided that she wasn't adverse to them, I will make sure to put something on them though, they are awful dry. They seem like a great addition to the menu, particularly for lunch.

Breakfasts have been the least successful meals. Porridge isn't a great hit, nor is weetabix. Toast with some sort of soft cheese is usually eaten best. I know I need to expand the breakfast repertoire to make sure the Wee One has the opportunity to eat more in the morning.

Since around 23 weeks, we've been having nightly wakings. We've graduated to bi-nightly wakings these days at 34 weeks. I can't deny it's tough, but it is made a lot easier by Him's support and also the Wee One eating and then going back to her own bed.

We have no teeth yet, we have a lot of wind to deal with and also so much going on during the day, it's no wonder my poor wee lamb is waking most nights. It must past. This is all I can say to myself to help get through it. At least when I'm awake at night I have a purpose, I cannot deny, however, that these wakings and my tired brain had me doubting every parenting decision I've made. When I look at my happy smiling lovely baby girl, I know I must be doing something right.

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