Saturday 2 June 2012


I often think about future parenting challenges that Him and I might come up against, and the Wee One being an only child, sharing is probably going to be tough. I suppose lots of exposure to other children will be the way forward, but it would appear we're already making leaps into sharing, more about that later though.

Roasted sweet potato is one of my favourite foods, I'm also delighted that the Wee One is also thoroughly enjoying them too. she skilfully removes the orangey bit from the skin and then spits it out. There was a lot of it consumed this evening. Him and I are going to have dinner to ourselves tonight so we just both sat the table with the Wee One and just enjoyed the experience. Mess really is becoming minimal, and I suppose it depends on what you serve, but I think it also has something to do with her actually eating much more food than ever before.

The nappies are incredible now. Smell has moved to the incredibly pungent end of the scale and lumps of food are increasingly prevalent. However, this week there has been no leakage whatsoever. This is a difficult compromise, I'm not sure which I prefer. Nappies that don't smell particularly but go up to her neck, or monstrosities that stay contained within.

So back to sharing. The Wee One tried to share her sweet potato with Him tonight, so maybe we're on the path to a sharing caring child? Or was she just using it as a rouse to try and steal his glasses? You decide.

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