Sunday 13 May 2012

Boo for the End of the Weekend

We had a lovely time at Gran and Papa's house, along with her pre-prepared snacks, the Wee One properly scoffed some roast chicken too. I tore off a strip for her and she sucked and gummed it for ages. That and the baby corn were given the most attention and that's what I expect to see in tomorrow's ablutions.

Eating at someone else's house threw up some question and funny looks. I know from the outside (especially to the older generation) I must look like a hippy earth mother. I can assure you I am not. I love my bras and I don't tie dye my clothes. I breastfeed my baby and Him and I are agreed that along with breast milk, Baby Led Weaning is the way forward for our family. Trying to coax others round to our ideas isn't what we want to spend our time doing. The only audible concern tonight was choking, a valid point, quickly quashed by the Wee One expertly gumming and sucking on everything offered to her.

I read something interesting last night on the Kelly Mom website about weaning about how the best way to get through weaning discussions was to lie and say everything with you and your baby is just hunky dory, even if you're having a horrifying time. I appreciated the sentiment. Yes, it would be easier to sit back and smile and nod along. I'm not usually for the easy way out though. I want to be able to illustrate my decisions with evidence to support them. I feel it's important for people to realise they have free will and to use that free will responsibly. There are ridiculous numbers of people who would never even challenge anything a professional tells them. I'm not suggesting entering into arguments, I'm suggesting engaging in the decisions you make for another human being that you are entirely responsible for.

Heavy discussion for a Sunday evening, I apologise if I've made you brain fuzzy/angry/confused.

Ahhhh Sunday. Returning to the week tomorrow, Him back at work and it all goes round again. I'm thinking it's time to start offering lunch everyday now. It would be so much easier to do with someone else floating around.

Roll on next weekend.

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