Sunday 20 May 2012

Holy Nappy Filling, Batman!

The 2 o'clock poo has become a thing of legend. If there is going to be a massive blow out, it will generally happen between 2pm and 3pm. Today was no exception. It blew out the side, up the front and out the back. It even made its way under the nappy tabs. It was not fun to clean up. Slightly more solid than usual, so hopefully this signals the near ending of dealing with daily poo monstrosities.

Dinner was a breadstick tonight that was being num nummed at viciously. Two gaggings and vomits later, it was removed from the Wee One's grasp. She wasn't impressed.

Porridge in the morning, going to get some berries to try in yoghurt as well this week. Maybe some other kinds of cheese too, marscapone and ricotta. On the mummy and daddy menu this week? Who knows, shopping tomorrow might help this, some cookery books will be getting thumbed for inspiration too.


  1. do you panic when she gags? when did this start to slow down? georgia doesn't gag at every meal, but she gags enough to upset me. i also don't feed her food 3x a day, sometimes twice but always once. progress is slow, but we're getting there!
    so glad to hear your adventures too :)

    1. @Tracie, I would be a horrible liar of I said I didn't panic at gags. I think it's only natural! The Wee One is totally non-plussed by the experience. Whenever I feel I need to intervene, by the time I've made a move, she's already dealt with it. We're still pretty bad at doing more than one meal, we definitely need to start being more consistent! The gagging slowed down quite quickly the more familiar she got with textures. The only time we get gags really now are when something new is introduced, usually after the first bite is negotiated she does just fine! Good luck on your adventure too! xx
