Thursday 10 May 2012


I'm thinking today that I'm a bad mummy!! We had a bread stick after morning milk. A banana for lunch and then some cheese and baby corn for tea. Only one puke. And don't kid yourself that any of that food actually got consumed. It's was gnawed and sucked on as usual. Great progress I feel just making the most hilarious faces when food touched her lips!

I know we've not been doing it long, but my consistency hasn't been great in doing more than one meal a day. Today was an exception. We only have one routine and that's bed time. Changed into jammies, into sleeping bag and then feed in a dark room. We don't have set times for going to bed, having naps or having milk, I always go with the flow. This go with the flow attitude is making settling to set meal times a little bit awkward to get into. I'm probably worrying myself over an issue that doesn't really exist. I've not felt ridiculously guilty for something for around 12 hours, so I suppose this will fill the void.

The other issue we had today was a wee sore tummy. A milk feed helped it "pass" so to speak, and that poor vest the Wee One was wearing will never be the same again. One plus for Baby Led Weaning, or food in general I suppose, less blow outs! We usually have one a day which results in a full change of clothes.

I'm think as well I want to buy some coverall bibs. We're going through clothes everyday at an exponential rate. I'd rather spend time with the wee one than spend all day doing washings. Thank goodness for Him, he really does more than his share to make things easy on me.

So the point of this ramble? I'm not sure if not establishing a routine with sleeps and feeds etc is going to help or hinder our foray into food. Today is a day for being unsure mostly. There's nothing worse than the days that you doubt every decision you make.

On the plus side, I finally finished a sock for the Wee One and have the other cast on! I'm pleased, halfway there, a nearly finished project.

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