Saturday 19 May 2012


As a family we've been incredibly lucky in the sleep stakes. By 4 weeks old the Wee One would sleep 5 straight hours and it built up from then. We were on 10-12 hours a night. No extra feeds. I won't deny it was blissful.

Recently, I'm playing a guessing game. I generally can tell the nights we'll be up, but she throws wild cards in there all the time. It has also gotten worse with the start of food. The past three nights we've been up at least once, it's strange because these nights correlate with the days where most food has been eaten so far. It seems the opposite of what everyone starts food early for. We're getting less sleep with two meals a day than we were with just milk.

These are the ramblings of a sleep deprived mind, so feel free to ignore me.

We were at an Auntie and Uncle's house this evening and you'll never guess what we had? Curry! Very mild curry. The Wee One consumed chunks of naan bread, some pieces of chicken and basmati rice with some sauce. The rice was given via a loaded spoon and the new texture caused a bit of gagging and initial sick and then was put back with gusto. Unfortunately, the spoon was shoved a little too far down the throat and we lost most of dinner. I'm not sure if I will ever not mourn the loss of a meal. As always, the Wee One was perfectly calm and seemed to enjoy not only her food, but the attention she received at the dinner table. I loved that she was truly a part of the family and ate what we were eating.

Can't wait to venture into curry territory again. I'll be keeping it mild and fragrant, coriander is a big favourite, as are ginger and lime. We'll see what I can come up with.

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