Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Wide Awake Club

After the Wee One started sleeping through the at around 4 weeks, my own sleep pattern never really settled down. At first I think it was due to continuing to express during the night when we went through the Wee One refusing to breastfeed. I think this pattern (which to be fair was actually established during pregnancy during the nightly pee run!) just does not want to give up. I can lie awake for up to 3 hours during the night, more often it's just an hour. And I'll lie there awake and useless amongst a sleepy household trying to switch off again.

These days I've started to realise its all been a practice for the Wee One regressing to being a new born again! Last night we went back to 4 hourly feeds. To be honest I feel neither up nor down about it. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm still not back at work. I've not been tired in the morning but by the time 6pm hit, it starts to hit hard.

There is one massive difference between waking up randomly and waking up for a feed. The feeding apparently releases a sleepy hormone, which lulls you back to sleep after. Believe it or not, I'm starting to feel better being up with the Wee One during night compared to my previous night wakings.

It's just nice to have a purpose.

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